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The products are unattended, with small maintenance expansion, stable operation and low spare parts rate

Shaanxi Yanchang Coal Yulin chemical Company

Shaanxi Yanchang China Coal Yulin Energy & Chemical Co., Ltd. was established in May 2010 with a registered capital of 127.31 billion yuan. It is jointly invested by Yanchang Petroleum and China Coal Energy. Focusing on the strategic goal of becoming a "domestic first-class and world famous" energy and chemical enterprise, the company is committed to the comprehensive utilization of coal, oil and gas resources, providing high-end chemical products, and doing better, stronger and bigger polyolefin industry.


上一條:Yanchang Group light hydrocarbon project
下一條:Beijing Energy Shiyan Cogeneration Phase II Project Unit 3+Incoming Coal Sampling Equipment



Consulting Telephone
+86 0516-83101079 / 83101089 +86 13952132680
Da Peng Zhen Xiao Liu Zhuang, Tongshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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