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The products are unattended, with small maintenance expansion, stable operation and low spare parts rate

What are the requirements of the new generation weighing coal feeder?

Time:2022-11-18 09:02:37      Click:202

With the development of coal mining industry, the demand for coal weighing machine is increasing, and the performance requirement is also increasing. The emergence of the new coal feeder not only replaced the previous coal feeder, but also more superior performance, Xuzhou Sanhuai Heavy Industry Equipment Co., Ltd. introduced the main requirements:


1. The use of weighing coal feeder is more safe and reliable, and the operation is simple. At the same time, under the condition of good sealing performance, continuous and even coal is given to protect the civilization of site construction. With remote automatic and manual adjustment function.

2, the pressure level of the coal feeder is up to 0.2MPA, the maintenance door is convenient, the equipment is set up observation window and cleaner, and the internal situation can be mastered and repaired at any time.

3, weighing coal feeder using flame retardant type of high strength continuous tape, anti-deviation. Equipped with tape cleaner and scraper cleaning device.

4. Manual gate should be set at the entrance of the equipment, which can withstand pressure and has automatic cleaning device. The outlet can be set into a straight section to prevent coal blocking.

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