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Fault analysis and solution of belt and control system of quantitative coal feeder

Time:2022-11-18 09:08:55      Click:181

1, quantitative coal feeder belt load does not show what is the reason?


A: Normally, the device sensor connection is incorrect or the parameter Settings are incorrect. Check the fault causes one by one, and check the connection and parameter setting of the weighing system.

2. How to solve the problem that the speed of the equipment belt is not displayed?

A: In this case, the device encoder may be connected incorrectly or the parameter device is incorrect. Check that electrical connections and parameter Settings are correct.

3. The control system of quantitative coal feeder cannot be started, and the failure lamp of equipment and instrument does not respond?

Answer: Belt deviation will cause the above faults. Adjust to manual state, carefully adjust the belt tail tensioning device, slowly make the belt back to the position, out of close light. If the fault light is not on, adjust the device and instrument. Check the cause one by one.

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