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The products are unattended, with small maintenance expansion, stable operation and low spare parts rate

Old customers of the company

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Old customers of the company

National Energy Group Chongqing Power Plant Co., Ltd. 2X660MW

Inner Mongolia Nengjian Group

Inner Mongolia Jingneng Jining Phase II Expansion 2X660MW Cogeneration Project

2X350MW Unit 3 Project of Jingneng Shiyan Cogeneration Phase II Project

Panzhihua Steel 1X300MW Coal Research and Stone Comprehensive Utilization Self provided Power Plant Project

Chen Fuyuan 2X35 million kilowatt coal grinding stone comprehensive utilization project project in jujube mining field

Chen Fuyuan 2X350000 kilowatt coal grinding stone comprehensive utilization project in jujube mining field

Power Construction Corporation of China GUIZHOU ENGINEERING CO., LTD

China Chengda Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd

CITIC Environment Co., Ltd

Filling and Leveling Project of Shaanxi Yanchang middling coal Yulin Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. Phase I Startup Project

Sinopec Baling Petrochemical

Sinopec Maoming Petrochemical

Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Yan'an Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd

Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd. Refining and Chemical Company

Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Yushen Energy Chemical Co., Ltd

Cogeneration in Jiulongyuan, Wanzhou Economic Development Zone

Inner Mongolia Black Cat Coal Chemical Co., Ltd

Xinjiang Meike Chemical Co., Ltd

Previous: Installation and adjustment of coal feeder scale body
Next:Delivery of hopper scale (belt scale physical verification device)


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+86 0516-83101079 / 83101089 +86 13952132680
Da Peng Zhen Xiao Liu Zhuang, Tongshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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