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E-mail:+86 13952132680@163.com  Tel:+86 0516-83101079/83101089 +86 13952132680


Through the certification of the authority, it can ensure to provide users with cost-effective products and technical services
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The products are unattended, with small maintenance expansion, stable operation and low spare parts rate

Port industry

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Sanhuai Heavy Industry Company has set up a perfect management organization, established the effective latest quality management system, environmental system, occupational health system, intellectual property system, and passed the certification of the authority, so as to ensure that users can provide cost-effective products and technical services.


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Consulting Telephone
+86 0516-83101079 / 83101089 +86 13952132680
Da Peng Zhen Xiao Liu Zhuang, Tongshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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