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E-mail:+86 13952132680@163.com  Tel:+86 0516-83101079/83101089 +86 13952132680


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The products are unattended, with small maintenance expansion, stable operation and low spare parts rate

Leshan Fuhua thermoelectric phase II

Sichuan Leshan Fuhua Tongda Pesticide Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Fuhua Tongda") was established in 2007 with a registered capital of 781.43 million yuan, mainly engaged in the production, sales and import and export business of glyphosate agents, glyphosate preparations, chlor-alkali and intermediate products, subsidiary products and other chemical products. With more than 3000 employees, the company is a state-level high-tech enterprise with provincial enterprise technology center and provincial engineering technology research center. It is a key foreign exchange earning enterprise in Sichuan Province. Its products cover 127 countries and regions around the world. Only in the first half of 2022, its export foreign exchange earning exceeded 1 billion US dollars.

At present, many large and medium-sized domestic enterprises the problem of coal bunker plugging coal is very serious, do not completely solve this problem, is bound to seriously affect the normal production of enterprises, light cause coal mill output decline, serious cause coal bucket spontaneous combustion. The coal bunker automatic loose machine produced by our company is characterized by starting from the blocked thin layer, assisting the raw coal to overcome the external friction force through internal disturbance, and playing the role of inducing the activation of the raw coal, weakening the internal friction force, destroying the foundation of the blockage, so as to achieve the purpose of loosening.

Products put into use for many years, perfect service and after-sales service, in-depth customer praise.


上一條:Yanchang Group light hydrocarbon project
下一條:Shaanxi Yanchang Coal Yulin chemical Company



Consulting Telephone
+86 0516-83101079 / 83101089 +86 13952132680
Da Peng Zhen Xiao Liu Zhuang, Tongshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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