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Weighing coal feeder belt deviation how to adjust?

Time:2022-11-18 09:05:50      Click:207

Weighing coal feeder belt tension adjustment (alignment) device has two functions of adjusting belt deviation and tensioning conveyor belt. There is an adjusting rod on the left and right of the rear side door of the coal feeder, and the adjusting rod can be rotated by the lifting hand. Adjust belt tension and deflection by rotating adjusting rod. How to adjust the recovery when the belt goes astray?


Select the appropriate wrench to adjust the lever before adjusting. Note that the left and right adjusting rods rotate in opposite directions, but the number of turns is the same.

1. While adjusting the belt, the weighing coal feeder needs to observe the operation of the conveyor belt through the rear side door observation window.

2. If the belt runs off to the left, adjust the left adjusting rod clockwise, and rotate the right adjusting rod clockwise at the same time. Xuzhou Sanhuai Heavy Industry Equipment Co., Ltd. here prompts the need for multiple micro adjustments, control each adjustment rod rotation one-third to half the number of turns.

3. Contrary to the above, when the belt runs off to the right, it needs to adjust the left adjusting rod counterclockwise and rotate the right adjusting rod clockwise.

4. After the adjustment of the weighing coal feeder, run the conveyor belt for more than 10 laps to test whether the belt deviation has been adjusted; If there is still deviation, repeat the adjustment according to the above steps.

Previous: Installation and adjustment of coal feeder scale body
Next:Delivery of hopper scale (belt scale physical verification device)


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