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Electronic belt scale manufacturer introduces the weighing sensor several suitable?

Time:2022-11-18 09:03:39      Click:178

Weighing common balance, valuation scale and other equipment use a sensor, the basic range is dozens of grams to 2T or less, this type of weighing equipment is not suitable for multiple sensors, otherwise it will affect the measurement accuracy. Electronic belt scale manufacturers introduce the use of sensors out of the above single sensor use is also roughly divided into the following types:


1, ground scale: generally used in the case of relatively heavy, applicable range in dozens of kilograms to dozens of tons, can use four sensors, each corner of one.

2, tank weighing, reaction axe, container weighing: hopper scale for heavy items, ranging from dozens of kilograms to hundreds of tons, usually using three or four sensors. Methods: One at a interval of 120 degrees, one at a interval of 90 degrees; Three fit round trough tanks, four more for square hoppers. Of course, the round tank can also be weighed by a sensor, and there are hopper scales that use multiple sensors, such as larger size or longer span weighing buckets.

3, automobile scale products: hopper scale sensor layout in four to a dozen, multiple sensors can increase the length of the scale, reduce the stiffness of the scale, but also can do a larger range of the scale.

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