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How does the weighing principle of hopper scale work?

Time:2022-11-18 09:26:21      Click:190

According to the control mode, the hopper scale has a cumulative hopper reactor scale and a constant hopper reactor scale. What are the weighing methods of the two?


1. Cumulative hopper scale

The hopper scale is a batch of materials, divided into discontinuous load sequence, each weight value accumulated, the total weight. This weighing method has the advantages of static weighing and high accuracy.

2. Weightless hopper scale

Also known as continuous static hopper scale, through the feeding device in accordance with the process requirements to control the feeding amount, the controller will be discussed in each unit of time within the "weight loss value" and set value, according to the deviation automatically adjust the feeding amount, to ensure the accuracy of continuous feeding.

Hopper scale static measurement or static measurement conversion of dynamic weightlessness feeding, measuring and feeding accuracy is high.

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