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What reason is the belt slip of weighing coal feeder? How to solve it?

Time:2022-11-18 09:25:39      Click:188

Weighing coal feeder including belt conveying system, due to the long-term delivery of coal and other solid materials, the formation of repeated wear and tear leading to the belt slip phenomenon, which is also a common problem. What's the reason? What should be the solution?


There are two main aspects of belt slip, motor winch tension and hydraulic tension belt slip. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the belt is too loose, and increase the tension force by adjusting the tension line; There is also the deformation of the belt due to long working time and other reasons, the belt needs to be cut off, and then riveted, can also be vulcanized.

Another reason for the belt slip of the weighing coal feeder is that the belt slip of the weight tensioning device. Small configuration parts can be used to help boost, according to the actual situation to add reasonable, avoid excessive tension resulting in skin

Belt wear serious, and reduce the service life of the belt.

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