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Common faults and solutions of quantitative coal feeder are introduced

Time:2022-11-18 09:23:54      Click:189

Quantitative coal feeder for powder material, granular material and block material continuous measurement and adding, not only has quantitative addition and measurement control function, but also can stable continuous work, will not affect the state of the material and the original use of performance quality, in use will appear belt jam or other faults, so how to solve?


1. The quantitative coal feeder is stopped by the material card or the belt is broken by the material card. It is generally due to the long-term use of the ring belt, excessive wear and tear caused by the card leakage or the line plate grinding through, and the ring belt needs to be replaced.

2. There are two kinds of belt deviation of quantitative coal feeder, one is load deviation, the other is no-load deviation, the root cause is the long-term use of the belt, resulting in the loose belt, replacement or fastening belt.

3. Quantitative coal feeder feeding is related to the selection of belt form or material properties, and there is a failure of belt tensioning device.

Check all parts of the equipment regularly during use, and timely repair or replace the faulty parts to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

Previous: Installation and adjustment of coal feeder scale body
Next:Weighing coal feeder belt deviation how to adjust?


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+86 0516-83101079 / 83101089 +86 13952132680
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