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Weighing coal feeder cleaning chain broken chain how to solve?

Time:2022-11-18 09:09:29      Click:187

Weighing coal feeder is used in circulating boiler pulverizing device of thermal power plant. It has the characteristics of pressure resistance, energy saving and environmental protection. It can realize the continuous and uniform coal transport in the fully closed, and can also be measured by furnace, which is the ideal coal consumption measuring equipment. Cleaning system is one of the important systems. What is the reason why the chain is often broken in the cleaning system of weighing coal feeder?


There are three main reasons for the coal feeder to break the chain. First, the force of the cleaning scraper on the chain is not uniform, and the material conveying particle size of the coal feeder equipment is relatively large. Due to the high adjustment of the material shaping door of the feed port, the thickness of the weighing material of the belt is too high. In the process of operation, the materials overflow and pile up at the lower part of the equipment, or other foreign matter enters, the cleaning chain is caused by the uneven force of the scraper to the side, resulting in chain climbing. Second, the tensioner is improperly adjusted, the deviation on both sides is too large, the drive shaft and the driven shaft are not parallel, the drive sprocket can not be in the same plane, resulting in exercise.

The broken chain of the weighing coal feeder may be caused by the damage of the driving sprocket bearing and the driven sprocket bearing. Generally, the main and driven sprocket bearings of the cleaning chain in the cleaning system of coal feeder are spherical bearings with seat. This type of bearing can be automatically aligning to change the distance between the axes of the sprocket. When the tensioner is adjusted well, the main and driven sprocket are in the same plane, and the position of the two sprockets changes after the bearing is damaged.

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